
There is an old joke about starting a business, it goes like this…

“Do you want to know the secret to making one million dollars?


First, you take two million dollars…”

I am not your normal kind of business coach.

My first attempt at a freelance business started in 2016.  

And since that time I have worked alongside hundreds of new consultants, startups, and side hustlers at a free coworking space in North Carolina’s research triangle called The Frontier.

I have a masters in Sociology, not an MBA.

And well before my current business started to look more like a success, my first business had failed completely. 

Yes, there is a lot you can learn from failure. I know I did.  But that doesn’t mean you have to be the one who fails.


This course was designed as a self-paced coaching series for people interested in launching their own independent consultancies.

If your dream is to build a 100 million dollar startup and move to Silicon Valley.  This is not the strategy you should use.

If you’re trying to corner the market on hand sewn iPad covers.  This is not the strategy you should use.

But if your dream is to have more control over your time, the ability to choose your clients, and generally more freedom, all while making a decent salary.  This course was built for you.

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